I thought I would have something to say on a daily basis but I guess not. Awoke to a cold morning which means Fall is coming on now. Down South here in SC Fall is a mysterious moment in the year. We usually have a two day intorduction to frost on the ground and then comes Indian summer with its daily warmth thumbing its nose at us. The trees rarely turn color as in the north. Our trees drop their leaves like a kid mooning grownups in a moving car. One moment they are full, we turn around and they are "bare choirs' for the birds heading further south. There have been a few Autumns in whch we shared the raucous color explosion of our upper state neighbors. They are fading memories of exceptionally beautiful yellows and golds and red spread against a pale blue sky but fondly remembered.
At any rate such mornings as this are a reminder of the beauty of our planet during times of forgetfulness. Our garden is fast becoming paved and built upon while we ever so slowly lose track of what we had. Roads, shoping centers and condos take away our nature along with nature. We destroy the homes of our fellow inhabitants who are ignored in our quest to make the buck. In so doing bucks and does are lost as their habitat is lost. To me it is sad. To our children and grandchildren it will be more than sad it will become total isolation from thier roots.
Funny the thoughts triggered by a cool morning.
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